
We finally carved our jack-o-lanterns. For lack of imagination, I carved mine into a moon silhouetting a raven. (I'm reading The Dark Tower series.) I did a funny skeleton on the back. We did them double-sided so Celia could enjoy them in the house and they would be visible outside too. Ken did a bat (ala Batman) and an apple (ala the ipod)
Much to her delight, Celia dressed up as Tigger (again) today. Earlier, in the coffee shop, she roared at everyone. Usually she just barks. We only took her to two houses to trick-or-treat. It was more about the sport of it than the actual collecting of Rohypnol-laced junk food. She also liked handing out the candy and laughing at the kids' costumes. Ken's cat spent the night trying to make his great escape and everytime the doorbell rang he went to the door. Pretty exciting Halloween. I played with Ken's camera a little and am pretty pleased with the way my raven turned out.

I recently remembered how much work it is keeping up with the Smythes' holiday decorating antics. Damn! Next year for Halloween I'm boarding up the windows and painting the house black. In the meantime, I'll have to put more energy into Christmas. Ya, like that's even possible. Now where on earth did I put my santa-head disco ball?