It Matters Not
After commenting twice on Ken's Blog, to no avail, I realized it's not gonna work until he changes to the new Blogger. It's just as well. I hate political/religious stuff. It usually involves me doing research before I open my yap, and that's too much like work right now. As I sit here drinking my morning coffee in my new favorite mug (Starbucks Christmas Theme) I remember a quote I really like.
It matters not
Who you love
Where you love
Why you love
When you love
Or how you love
It matters only that you love.
John Lennon
Let me just say that if you are lucky enough to find someone you want to spend your life with, you should be able to marry them. For the record, I am the worst Catholic I know.
On a lighter, more pear-shaped note, there is still people living in me! I'm very, very pregnant. People say, how can you be very pregnant? You're either pregnant or you're not. Well come over here and say that, wiseass! Have you ever seen those cartoons where one character accidentally swallows another for a second and you can see their arms and legs waving under the stomach. Me. To top it off, I'm not recommended to have the baby here. But I can't really have anywhere else without a valid passport and $500, 000. It seems a Sunday in March (Celia's birthday) is not the only shitty time to have a kid around here.
Here is my list of recent movies that sucked balls:
The Wicker Man (started off well, then sucked)
Lady in the Water (sucked beyond comprehension)
The Wild (ripped off Madagascar, forgot the humour)
The Break Up (I officially now hate all Jennifer Aniston movies, even Vince couldn't save it)
Pirates of the Caribbean 2 (too long, not very funny, more disappointing than sucky)
The Devil Wears Prada (had potential, not remotely funny)
Lately, I find the movies I don't want to see are more satisfying to watch because, if they are remotely entertaining, I wasn't expecting it. E.g. Nacho Libre. The part where Jack Black is running in sweatpants almost killed me. If you've seen it, you'll understand. You just can't fake that. Like a car crash.
If anyone's interested, it is not recommended that a nine-month pregnant woman stand on an Ikea footstool. Ever.
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