Thursday, November 02, 2006

Ode to Jen (or at least her geekiness!)

Oh how I miss Jen! I watched LOST last night and was thoroughly distressed. I'm lucky to have caught it at all without Jen here to remind me when it's on. Jen, I don't know if you are following it still or waiting for the dvd. I don't want to ruin it, but they killed one of the best characters off! Bastards! Also, I'm not sure I'm liking this season so much thus far. And another thing, nobody here is up to date on the Harry Potter books, so when you-know-who #1 did that thing to you-know-who #2 in the last book I almost freaked out. I need counselling. I really do.


At 1:07 AM, Blogger Blogger21 said...

Awwww! It's nice being missed!

And yeah, I'm still waiting for a) it all to come out on dvd, or b) for us to get high-speed and then i can download it all during the winter break and be caught up for january.

I'm afraid though. Was it Sawyer??? I hope it wasn't Sawyer... And a co-worker slipped up and said that Sun she did cheat on Jin and I'm getting very tempted to just read the recaps or something so that i know what the hell is going on with everyone! Still showing a bit of restraint though... amazingly.

And yeah, that last book is just NUTS! Book Seven can just about go anywhere now - it's just gonna break away from everything the first six had (re: Hogwarts, etc). So I can't wait until the next one, although it sounds like my theory that Harry is gonna die might not be right. But... I just have this sinking feeling that someone important will, and I don't want it to be either Hermione or Ron... (not very nice, but it seems fitting that Harry dies killing his counterpart, doesn't it?)

But nuff of that. Hope things are going great up there! Was just thinking of you today when I was looking at that Sid Meier's Pirate's game. Might end up picking it up and then I can hide downstairs for hours. :)

At 3:32 PM, Blogger Blogger21 said...

Hmm... on further thought, I'm guessing that it was Eko that they killed...



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