Petty Ponderings

I used to be able to write up a Blog over three or four cups of coffee back-to-back. Now I have only my Lucky Charms for inspiration. Somebody should invent a caffienated cereal. Or at least a decaf coffee flavoured cereal. Remember Drew Carey's coffee-flavoured beer? Now we're talking. Things that taste like other things and have no nutritional value. Rock on! If you're finding this morning's entry a little scattered, it is. And what the hell is wrong with this keyboard? It's like I've totally forgotten how to type and I keep bumping the touch pad and jumping back to the middle of the previously sentence.
I just remembered that I love Tom Petty, hence the look-alike pic of Spike the dog above. It's just that I never ever listen to him anymore because Ken really hates him. So yesterday, after an entire Petty song played on the radio without retribution, I made a mental note to download everything. I kind of have to marvel at myself though. I can't stand whiny, nasal vocals, (e.g. Bob Dylan, Red Hot Chili Peppers) and I don't smoke pot, yet I love love love Tom Petty. I may need my own IPOD after this. Hell, I'm gonna need my own wheels after this! But only if I get the radio, after all, it has the all 80's station on it, and that just makes Ken have violent thoughts about hairspray-bombs. Remember the music video for Don't Come Around Here No More? Petty was the Mad Hatter and Alice was on a table, made of cake, her head and possibly her arms and legs flopping around, and the Hatter cuts her into squares and serves her to the tea guests. I thought it was creative. Of course, all the feminists freaked out about Tom "eating" Alice. I have to admit, the first and only time I thought about this in a sexual way was when I read about it and saw the words eating Alice on Pop-up Video. Feminists, bah!
I finally listened to the new Madonna cd, more out of morbid curiosity than anything. I used to like her music alot, then it was hit and miss, and now it's one or two decent songs on an album full of background music. I read a few of her bios and had to admire her business sense. Now I only think three things: 1.What the holy hell is up with that fake accent? 2.What the holy-hell is up with her butt? 3.I'd respect her more if she quit trying to act.
I just got back from a mini-holiday in Vernon. It was fun but an awful lot of driving for such a short trip. Cripes, the trip is long when you a are passenger for the entire duration! I won't get into specifics this trip, as I haven't had the complete mental meltdown that usually ensures, although that may be a current work in progress. What I really want to know is: How could I only be there for three days and have spent so damn much money? All I bought was some soap and peaches. Is it possible I paid $492 in tax?
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