Saturday, May 06, 2006


I read an interesting article on twins. Did you know that if twins have babies, their babies are genetically half siblings? If twin males marry twin females and reproduce, legally the offspring are cousins, but genetically, they are full siblings. Crazy! I read a book that involved a woman giving birth to twins that had two different fathers and it seemed pretty far fetched. Turns out, it happens occassionally. You can also have twins that are due a month apart! There are all kinds of variables involved of course, but it's not totally rare. There is absolutely no genetic rhyme or reason to identical twins either, it's all a fluke. The highest twinning population is Nigeria, possibly due to a diet high in yams, which produce a hormone that stimulates ovulation. The lowest is Asia. Surprising, they're so efficient, you'd think they'd get it all over with at once. Har de har.


At 4:26 PM, Blogger Blogger21 said...

Wow. I didn't know most of that! Could you imagine having twins though? Double the fun, double the trouble. And having them a month apart... I think that would be terrible!!! Bad enough going through labour once that year...

At 4:03 PM, Blogger andrea said...

thats kinda creepy that the kids of twins are closer genetically to siblings than as cousins... :) weird :)

At 1:26 AM, Blogger Blogger21 said...

Yeah... just makes incest that much more interesting!


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