Beans to Coffee!!

Why, God, why can't the coffee just make itself? How on earth can I possibly go through the monstrous routine of making coffee again? Maybe I should just wake up Ken and get him to do it. Who cares if he's on night shift. Just kidding, I would never do that. Even though his coffee is somehow (almost) always better than mine. Maybe it's the chemistry of it all, the raw testosterone vibe attached to the beans. Or maybe it's because he ALWAYS steals a cup before the coffee finishes brewing and somehow balances out the rest of the pot. The best best best coffee is when I let Ken make it to his desired strength, strong enough to stand a spoon in, and then he adds 1/3 cup of cream. mmmm But not a very good idea for those of us who do not want to gain 2lbs over breakfast! So now, I've dragged my sorry ass around the kitchen a couple of times, dressed the kid, fed her and the cats, cleaned the bathroom and disinfected the garbage cans... still no coffee. Soon now, very soon.


*photo art prints are by Tomasz Jankowski
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