Thursday, August 17, 2006


I can't believe I remembered my user name, it's been so long. I figured I should start blogging again when I meant to drop a friend a quick email and it turned into a novella. That and Ken's been riding me about it. Bitch bitch bitch, meep meep meep, and so on. Anyways, I'm sure I've got lots of stuff to talk about now.

Okay! I'm pretty sure I haven't mentioned that I'm pregnant. YA baby, five months now. Part of the reason for not blogging for so long was the constant need to vomit and the required trips from the couch to the hospital where I would receive poorly executed IVs everyday to keep from passing out from dehydration. I looked like a regular junkie. Especially sexy to my husband who has an aversion to anything needle related. I won't get into it. Following that, I had a really good holiday in BC, as usual resulting in weeping in the car all the way back to High Prairie. I'm feeling tons better now, just really tired. Let me rephrase that, REALLY FUCKING TIRED!!! More than the first trimester. Could be something to do with my chronic insomnia, paired up with my loud asshole neighbours. That, and the two and a half year old I chase around every day.

Celia's been a very good girl, and only gets cuter. She has a kind of accent when she speaks and she can commmunicate pretty well now. For example, this morning I scolded her for licking the butter off of the muffin and ignoring the rest. She repeats this: Eat teh nuffin not teh buller. She says please and thank you and is constantly demanding kisses and bear hugs. She counts to five, says I love you, reads along with her stories, is totally potty-trained, and can role play with dolls or little people. Of course her favorite thing is eating fruit snacks in front of the damn t.v. I was giving her a cuddle this morning and wondering what on earth I will do when all my kids are too big to let me smelll their hair. It's not like I can go around smelling strangers when I walk around town. Often they smell terrible, and it's not as easy as you might think.

Joe's abandoned us for a life of sheer bliss on the island. On the island with his TWO BMWs. Selfish bastard. I don't even have one Beamer or a lake here. I do have a contraption you put in the tub and it blows jacuzzi-like bubbles up your ass. But it makes the water cold really fast. So now, we've begged, pleaded, and finally convinced Nessy to move in with us for a few months. Celia adores her and it will be nice to have her here for Christmas and when the new baby comes. I'm excited to have a friend here and Ken's excited because he's finally starting that harem he's always wanted. FYI, if you'd like to apply for a position, it helps if you can cook. Also, be sure to mention cheese alot on the application form!

In other news:
-My stereo is broken.
-I started selling AVON.
-I broke my cool Badger mug.
-None of my parents call me anymore.
-I can drink coffee again (in small doses, of course) if I don't smell it brewing.
-I have officially read everything and am in fact waiting for Amazon to receive something new. I am currently rereading a bunch of my old books. It helps that I have zero memory for things like that, just a vague familiarity. Right Jen?
-There is nothing good on t.v.
-I am currently looking for some new good music and am open to suggestions. Just don't recommend anything super heavy e.g. Ministry.
-My ex-boss recently asked me if I swallowed a watermelon.
-I can't post any damn pics right now, I keep getting an ERROR so I will do it later.


At 6:32 PM, Blogger Blogger21 said...

Wow. You really are blogging again, aren't you? :) That's awesome. (Thankfully blogs are mostly text so they load up fairly quickly on this dinosaur of a computer...)

Sounds like things are pretty crazy. Good to hear that Nessy is staying with you though - the place won't be so quiet now when Ken is at work.

Oh, and if you-know-who knew that I was talking to you, I could be evicted. LOL. It's great fun over here. (And I think I'm exaggerating, but I'm not entirely sure). But life on the island is a lot nicer than life in High Prairie, especially know that I feel settled in (unpacked and got a new job).

Course, would love to come visit, but... after rushing so quickly outta HP, I'm not sure how soon I want to come back.

YAY to the Ceila pics! :)

At 7:18 PM, Blogger trixi said...

If I left, I'd never come back. You-know-who can go you-know-what herself!


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