Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Hither and Yawn

This morning I woke up to Ken cracking his butt-knuckles. Unless you know, don't ask!

I saw a ridiculous greeting card yesterday that reminded me of Patrick. It was just a little blank card with a tin (yes tin) kitty on the front and under the kitty it said: What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew? What's Mew?

We went to Edmonton and bought EVERYTHING! As usual, I drove home with a shopping hangover. Again, if you don't know, don't ask. I went a little crazy in IKEA and bought their entire supply of gift wrap. Woohoo! Too bad there's not alot of paying jobs as a gift wrapper. Seriously, it's my forte.

On the way home I also bought Walmart's entire supply of Campbell's Hot & Sour Noodle Soup. All 29 of them. The cashier actually asked me if I liked that soup. "No dumbass. I'm going to give it to the trick-or-treaters. Give those little shits some culture."

Speaking of Halloween, I thought of a good (ok, not good) costume. Simple (but sexy) little black dress, sparkly wings, and a big foam mug-of-beer hat. 10,000,000 points to whoever guesses what I am.

I just watched my first episode of Kenny vs Spenny. Of course it was the whocanstaynakedthelongest contest. Funnneeeee! I didn't quite get why there was a travelling band of leather-bound fellows carrying metal bats involved, but it was totally worth it! Ken and Sarah kept saying that the one naked guy looked like my brother. Wigged me out a little. Distracting. Eww.


At 6:15 AM, Blogger Blogger21 said...

YAY Ikea! That would be the easiest way to fill up my little apartment, but I'm smart enough to stay away from there unless I want to rack up the credit card...

And soup would be better to hand out than those stupid ass peanuts. ARGH. Why? Not like I care b/c I just went out and bought two boxes of halloween candy, JUST FOR ME. (I'd share but my apartment building is locked down pretty tight...)

And just to drive Joe nuts: never heard of Kenny vs Spenny. But then I don't get paid to surf the web quite like you and Troy...


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