Tuesday, September 21, 2004

For My Kenny

You want a quote? How's this..

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

One more time

Keep goin’

One more time

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

No money, no honey

What’s your name?

My name’s Ken.

-Beck (No Money No Honey/ Stereopathetic Soul Manure 1994)

Love you!

I know, I know. You're gonna beat the crap outta me.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Got squash?

What's the deal with milk mustaches? You can get a mustache from just about anything if it's devoured with enough enthusiasm. What about a squash mustache? You could call it a squashstache or maybe a musquash. Much more fun than boring old milk.

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Romantic Getaway or the Ultimate Test?

Looking at cabin/resort photos reminded me of this place my friends on the Island told me about for couples. It's a small getaway, run by a married couple, that consists of a lovely cabin with a nice lakeside view, a jacuzzi, some cards/boardgames and enough gourmet food and wine for two weeks. That's it. No t.v. or visitors or internet or phone. Also no escape. You are driven in and left there and if there is an emergency you page the couple and they come rescue you. They also keep you in supplies so you do not starve to death. Apparently this is the ultimate honeymoon place. Doesn't it make more sense to go before you get married and then, if you don't kill each other, you know it might stand a chance of working out? Of course the results are directly proportionate to the amount of liquor you are left with. What happens to you if the hosting couple get killed or disappear or end up in comas or mute with broken fingers and no way to tell anyone about your existance!? This is what I would be thinking the entire two weeks while Ken searched the area for wireless access to accommodate the palm pilot he smuggled in up his butt. Romantic.

Friday, September 10, 2004

t.v. gooood

I have a new favorite t.v. show. C.S.I. rocks! It's pretty graphic and is LOADED with bad puns but that's what makes it so great! I had never watched it before but I bought the pc game just to try it out. Immediately after, I discovered a C.S.I. marathon on Showcase that has been on for at least three days. I no longer can enjoy horror movies like I used to, since I had a baby, (I'm told this is normal and eventually passes) and this sort of quenches a thirst for blood and guts, etc. This discovery about myself is slightly unnerving so I've decided not to dwell on it. This is my first ever pc game and I really have to think sometimes. Awesome. I love stimulants like crosswords, word games, and Mensa puzzles. They keep my brain from turning to oatmeal now that I'm out of any kind of school. I'm thinking of taking some sort of correspondence course just to keep on my toes.

I wonder if they'll ever make Monk into a game. I can play the neurotic o.c.d pretty well when given the opportunity. Imagine milking your mental illness to solve puzzles! Is it wet in here or is it just me?

Thursday, September 09, 2004


My Mom and Grandma left and the visit was nice. Grandma found the lipstick she DIDN'T EVEN PACK and is apparently not crazy, although the jury's still out on that. There was only one incident that resulted in cardiac scarring for some of us. Mom was asleep on the couch, I was in the kitchen and there was a loud crash. I look in the living room and my glider-rocker is upside down, my 73 year old Grandmother's feet in the air! I yell and send my Mom straight off the couch. Scared the shit out us. Imagine the guilt. My Grandma travels 12 hours to see me and almost kills herself in my chair. Funny I never realized what a death trap it was. Not nearly as funny as when my Mom fell down the stairs. Oh God, I have tears in my eyes just thinking about it. SOOOO FUNNY! You had to be there.
Mom and I watched The Passion of the Christ and we both thought the devil was portrayed wonderfully. It was a decent film but I keep thinking about TWO scenes where you can see in a character's mouth as they are yelling or crying or something and you can see their fillings! That just bugs me. Now I've ruined it for you. Sorry. Here's another one. In Sleepy Hollow the Horseman has sharp teeth as he apparently had them filed to points when he was alive. At the end when they are tossing his skull around, the teeth are normal.
Now I have to say goodbye as the love of my life has a poopie bum.
So does the baby.

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Crazytown, as usual

My Mom and Grandma have been staying with me the last couple of days and it's been going pretty well. I'm not nearly as stressed out as when I go to B.C. and stay with them. My house, my daily routine. Sort of. Tonight's tragedy: Grandma lost her lipstick and is CONVINCED she's losing her mind and getting dementia, etc,etc. She won't even consider that it might be in one of her four suitcases, assorted makeup bags, or half dozen plastic shopping bags in her bedroom. My thought: of all the reasons to think you're on the verge of crazy and this is the best you can come up with? Poor Grandma. I shouldn't be so hard on her. On the other hand, I have been locked in a car with her most of the day and one can only take so much sign-reading, map-checking, and question repeating. Did I mention the repeating. Repeating. Repeating. Sigh. I better get some sleep, tomorrrow's another day. Tomorrow's another day.

Today while on the way to Grande Prairie (2 hours away) we saw a coyote, a rabbit, some deer, a bear, and a bald eagle! The eagle was right on the side of the road eating a dead deer, huge and glorious. Very cool.

Whoever said "Getting there is half the fun" ought to be dragged out into the street and shot. Garfield