Saturday, September 04, 2004

Crazytown, as usual

My Mom and Grandma have been staying with me the last couple of days and it's been going pretty well. I'm not nearly as stressed out as when I go to B.C. and stay with them. My house, my daily routine. Sort of. Tonight's tragedy: Grandma lost her lipstick and is CONVINCED she's losing her mind and getting dementia, etc,etc. She won't even consider that it might be in one of her four suitcases, assorted makeup bags, or half dozen plastic shopping bags in her bedroom. My thought: of all the reasons to think you're on the verge of crazy and this is the best you can come up with? Poor Grandma. I shouldn't be so hard on her. On the other hand, I have been locked in a car with her most of the day and one can only take so much sign-reading, map-checking, and question repeating. Did I mention the repeating. Repeating. Repeating. Sigh. I better get some sleep, tomorrrow's another day. Tomorrow's another day.

Today while on the way to Grande Prairie (2 hours away) we saw a coyote, a rabbit, some deer, a bear, and a bald eagle! The eagle was right on the side of the road eating a dead deer, huge and glorious. Very cool.

Whoever said "Getting there is half the fun" ought to be dragged out into the street and shot. Garfield


At 8:33 PM, Blogger Ken said...

Reminds me of that movie where Billy Crystal is driving his father in law around and he keeps reading the signs. What movie was that?

At 11:28 AM, Blogger trixi said...

Forget Paris


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