Friday, September 10, 2004

t.v. gooood

I have a new favorite t.v. show. C.S.I. rocks! It's pretty graphic and is LOADED with bad puns but that's what makes it so great! I had never watched it before but I bought the pc game just to try it out. Immediately after, I discovered a C.S.I. marathon on Showcase that has been on for at least three days. I no longer can enjoy horror movies like I used to, since I had a baby, (I'm told this is normal and eventually passes) and this sort of quenches a thirst for blood and guts, etc. This discovery about myself is slightly unnerving so I've decided not to dwell on it. This is my first ever pc game and I really have to think sometimes. Awesome. I love stimulants like crosswords, word games, and Mensa puzzles. They keep my brain from turning to oatmeal now that I'm out of any kind of school. I'm thinking of taking some sort of correspondence course just to keep on my toes.

I wonder if they'll ever make Monk into a game. I can play the neurotic o.c.d pretty well when given the opportunity. Imagine milking your mental illness to solve puzzles! Is it wet in here or is it just me?


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