I'm trying to get my friend Sadie to Blog but she hasn't got a computer yet. If she does, I can assure you that it will be freakin hilarious. She is the epitomy of fun & games! At her house, every Sunday is Funday! She will also be the dj at our wedding. On that topic (see how I just ease into weddingtalk) I have a little survey for everyone. Please respond. Do you think
A Little Help From My Friends is a danceable song for a wedding? No, it's not going to be the first waltz. I was racking my brains trying to think of a good Dad & me song and then I remembered that it's kind of our special song. I think it would be a nice surprise for him if we danced to it. All those
Daddy's Little Girl songs make me want to barf.
Last night for the first time in 6 or 8 months I went on msn. I "chatted" with friends I haven't seen in years and years. It was good. It made me happy. All my friends are getting married and having kids and the surprise is finally wearing off. For a long time I would be shocked because we're so young. We're not though. We're all around the three-zero mark. Now the clock is ticking and it's surprising when people don't have kids yet. Scarey!
Yesterday I killed an hour in the drugstore. Sad I know. I bought a couple of greeting cards and that always takes a bit of time. I don't believe in giving a card unless I agree with the sentiment 100%. I saw these really nice Sweetheart-Husband type cards but didn't buy any because Ken hates cards. Even though we're having a Christmas wedding I don't think he'd like a piece of paper explaining that I love him at Christmastimeandalways. Sometimes I get a bit bummed because I LOVE that piece of paper. I can look at it over and over and put it in a scrapbook and get misty-eyed over it later. After I bought the cards I was cutting through the IGA parking lot and remembering the flowers he gave me a couple weeks ago. Just because. It made me all fuzzy because I realized that that was his "greeting card." He didn't give them to me because I whined about flowers, but because he was thinking good thoughts about me! His sentiment is obvious in the million other things he does for me. Rubbing my back in the morning, making me coffee, buying me an Eddie Bauer coat, loving my cat. This makes me very happy and I don't need a card. Of course, if he did present me with one that said "thanks for marrying me, you're pretty like Christmas" or something, I would cry over it and squirrel it away to cry over again at a later date. Another thing I love is his openness to me and his willingness to share. Basically, he keeps me in the loop. I was speaking to a friend this morning who never has any idea what's going on around her husband. I know more than she does! It would drive me crazy and hurt my feelings if I were her. Geez, enough of this tribute-to-Ken! You'd think I got laid this morning or something. In reality, I stumbled out of bed late and drank a neocitron and 3 cups of coffee.

My Babies.
In other news, I'm 84%
Sexy.I'm pretty sure Mary and Joseph took Jesus to Jerusalem because they couldn't find a babysitter.