Hail to the king, baby!

I've discovered the perfect sex test. Like if you're really not sure if someone is male or female. Just wait around for a bit and, if they have a penis, they will make a reference to Army of Darkness. Listen for things like Book of the Dead, That's Ash, Bound in Human Flesh, Boomstick, The Evil Dead or Bruce Campbell. This will immediately be follwed by Have you seen it? Of course I have! I swear to God, every guy I know owns that movie, used to own it, is currently shopping for it, or at the very least can quote from it. Joe, you might think this is because you referred to it the other night. Partly that and partly the fact that Ken referred to it last night. Have you seen it? In his excitement he always asks me that. Don't worry boys, I'm sure we all think it's very cute.
Quotes (just 2!)
Ash: Alright, you primitive screwheads, listen up: THIS... is my BOOM STICK!
Ash: You ain't leading but two things right now: Jack and Shit. And Jack just left town.
Same thing as if you are a guy and wear dresses. You get drinks bought for you.
Really? I've never seen a guy wearing a dress get drinks bought for them. Actually.. haven't seen a guy wear a dress, so you may be right. Where have you been hanging out Ken? (Kilt's don't count as a dress btw...)
And if we're gonna think like that, I guess you can tell someone is a girl if they've seen, and absolutely melt everytime they watch Love Actually. :) YAY 'Course that theory is a *little* flawed b/c some ppl like my little sister would rather die than to even give that movie a chance... and I like a wide range of movies including typical guy stuff like Fight Club and Monty Python, (instead of just cartoons, foreign flicks and sappy stuff).
So now I'm a little gender confused... and I don't want to think that I'm a hermaphrodite. Thanks Tracy for shattering all my previous illusions of femininity!
I never said girls couldn't love Army of Darkness! In my personal experience, the penis-toting-sapiens are the ones who get the most excited about it. I've just never had a girl come up to me and bring it up out of the blue, whereas I have had guys do it. I'm all for gender equality at the movies!
Love Actually...sigh..
What if a guy in a dress buys you a drink?
Ok well that makes more sense. I have to admit that I haven't heard a girl bring up Army of Darkness etc, on their own in any conversation I've witnessed, although Lauren does have an Ash reference in a comment on one of Joe's blogs. So I guess that would count?
And if a guy in a dress buys you a drink, you take it. :) I've got no probably with that actually... but I'd be wondering about what kind of undewear he'd be wearing. Not sure I could handle a guy in frilly pink panties... Sorta frightening, but if you were the type of girl that carried your makeup around you could just sorta 'drop' your compact on the ground and take a peek.
Let me know how that works out.
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