I discovered an AWESOME Beatles remake! Oingo Boingo does I am the Walrus extremely well. I know, I'm a critic! For any of you rubes not familiar with Oingo Boingo, it is the hyperkinetic band headed by Danny Elfman from 1979 to 1995, probably peaking in the late 80's or so. If you are not familiar with Danny Elfman, you live under a rock and I can't understand how you made it to my blog in the first place. If you watch t.v. at all you will have seen his name probably hundreds of times. He composes the music for tons of movies and t.v. shows. Most recognizeably, The Simpsons, and everything Tim Burton. Some others are the Spiderman movies, Army of Darkness, the Tales from the Crypt shows, Red Dragon, and over a hundred more. FYI I just learned there is going to be a Simpsons movie next year. I'm sure everyone feels extremely informed and satisfied now.