Merry Christmas
You might wonder what kind of loser blogs on Christmas day, especially at 4:27 am. One with chronic insomnia, that's who. Still no babies, so don't bother asking. I find I am barely able to focus on anything right now. Banking, avon, two-way conversations. I hope this gets better for me or I'm screwed! All I really want is to feel a little bit Christmassy, but I can't even do that right now. Santa is a few days behind schedule around here due to Ken & Nessy's jobs and the whole pending birth situation. I miss my parents. And I don't want to go to Edmonton again this week, which I'll have to do if I don't go into labor in the next 30 or so hours. Evidently my new laptop keyboard is going to take some getting used to as I keep adding extra ms and ns to every word. That's right, baby, Mama's got a new Ferrari!