I'm soooo tired. Can a person die from tiredness? It's like every day I get more tired. Then I have a relatively energetic day and I know the next day I'm gonna pay. You'd think after weeks of insomnia and broken sleep, you'd catch up one night, right? Not so much. The best part is when you do muster the energy to drag your butt out of the hous, people think they are doing you a favor by clucking their tongues and telling you how dreadful you look. Gee thanks. If I needed that, I'd go stay at my grandma's house.
I've officially stopped watching LOST. The whole show just pisses me off and season three has been a letdown so far. It's like watching Days of Our Lives, but everyone is half naked.
Shows where characters should NOT be half naked:
Days of Our Lives
Harry Potter (not a t.v. show, but ewww!)
Anything involving Leno, Letterman, or Conan
Any cooking or home design show (hot oil & stapleguns)
Who Wants to be a Millionaire
CSI might be hit and miss. Hmmm. Anyway, Catherine already can't keep her cleavage out of the way. I swear every episode it gets longer. It must start somewhere around her navel and end in her middle-aged-neck-wrinkles. Maybe it's there to draw attention away from her bad lip-job?