Monday, September 25, 2006


Dammit! I found the funniest pictures but they are plastered with copyright warnings as they belong to an "artist" or some crap. Imagine a guy, completely adorned with flowers, reclining in the woods with a stag's head and a huge semi-hard penis resting on his thigh. Or a guy half submerged in a pond, he's covered with peacock feathers and displays a hairy, flaccid dink bobbing in the mirrored water. Yeeaagh!

Just thought I'd check in. My creative juices have been thwarted so I'll have to come back in a day or so. Knock on woody.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Snakes Alive!

Friday, September 01, 2006


It turns out Ken is not the acrobat in bed I've been giving him credit for. It seems that he has not, in fact, been doing flips and cartwheels around the bed while I'm trying to sleep, he's just rolling over. After months (years?) of silently cursing into my pillow, it finally dawned on me. We need a new mattress. I'm so excited to buy one next week that I can hardly sleep. Har-dee-har. It will also be nice to not (hopefully) wake up with a gibbled back for a change. The tag on our mattress says guaranteed for 20 years but I'm pretty sure it was printed in the early seventies.

I'm officially useless now. I have to make Celia pull her wagon around town as a result of deep abdominal pains I get when pulling it. When she's a teeny bit bigger, I plan to ride in it! Hopefully, buy the time I am pregnant with my third (yes, it could happen) I will have enough kidpower to accomplish this. The only major drawback is the steering. Celia has inherited my inability to navigate a sidewalk without casualties. If you are walking next to me, I WILL crash into you. Everytime.

I just finished watching My Fair Lady. I saw it years ago and it is still fairly enchanting. I didn't even fast forward through all the songs. I also laughed my ass off. Of course I had to get a library card to get it because the video stores here suck balls to the tenth degree. For the record, I also like Oklahoma and The Sound Of Music. I remember enjoying The King and I when I was a kid, but it's been so long, that may have changed. For me to really enjoy a musical, it has to include catchy songs that are easy to sing along to. Like The Little Mermaid. Lyrics lyrics lyrics. This is why I fall asleep when Ken plays trance. I can't help it.

Oh Gramma!

I have a Grandma who gave birth to six children in eight years. She still believes that heartburn during pregnancy is caused by the baby's hair (on it's head) tickling the mother's throat. How do people survive?