Saturday, May 07, 2005

Subtle as an Axe in the Face

It's been pointedly noted that I haven't blogged in a couple of months blah blah.

There's nothing like coming home after a month of "holidays" (I use this term loosely as my family is a soap opera in a class all it's own) to a demolished house. The master bath is gone, the wall to the kitchen also gone, and the contents to the pantry all over the floor. There is a door beside the kitchen table and a shop vac underneath it. The table is covered with light bulbs, tools, assorted spices, etc. My sushi dishes are buried by the back door under the toaster oven and some are broken. The ENTIRE upstairs is covered in a layer of drywall dust. Perfect living conditions to bring a baby home to. Best of all I get to share a teeny tiny bathroom with 4 boys. Did I mention filthy? The only thing I hear out of Ken is "Are you mad?" I'm not, although some things are preventable and I would have thought of them ahead of time. Ahem.

Good movies I've seen latley:
The Incredibles
Something's gotta give (just kidding, that was the ultimate in crappy crap)

Well I have to ease into this slowly so as not to injure myself. My blog-hymen has grown over. Ewwwww! Ya well suck it up princess, I know that's why you love me! I'll try to keep at it. I certainly don't need my lack-of-blog thrown in my face everytime I have dinner.


Oh, this is almost as bad as that time I forgot how to sit down! -Peter, Family Guy

Never judge a book by it's movie. -J.W. Eagan


At 12:39 AM, Blogger trixi said...

Perhaps not everytime I have dinner but I only remember one meal at a time. Put a fork in my hand and I have the attention span of a goldfish. Thanks for the compliment. Even more, thanks for the back-hand!


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