Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Proud to be a Christmas Cheeseball

As per request, here are my Holiday movies!
You don't have to ask me twice. Hell, you usually don't have to ask me once.

1. Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer
2. Babes in Toyland (sucks, but it was a gift)
3. Winnie the Pooh: Seasons of Giving
4. A Charlie Brown Christmas
5. It's Chriistmas Again, Charlie Brown
6. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
7. Mickey's Christmas Carol
8. A Garfield Christmas
9. Mickey's Once Upon a Christmas
10. The 12 Days of Christmas
11. Silent Night
12. Santa Claus' First Christmas
13. Good King Wenceslas

black & white classics:
14. It's a Wonderful Life
15. Miracles on 34th Street
16. A Christmas Carol (1951)
17. The Bishop's Wife

18. Home Alone
19. Home Alone 2 (stop judging me)
20. How the Grinch Stole Christmas
21. The Santa Claus
22. The Santa Claus 2
23. A Christmas Carol (1951, colorized, also a gift)
24. Christmas Vacation
25. Scrooged
26. Mixed Nuts
27. A Christmas Story
28. Love Actually (not about Christmas exactly but based around it)
29. Home for the Holidays (actually about Thanksgiving but close enough)
(30. I used to own A Flintstone Christmas Carol but it broke and I threw it out)

still to collect:
1. Rudolph and the Isle of the Misfit Toys
2. The Little Drummer Boy
3. Frosty the Snowman
4. Frosty Returns (maybe)
5. Jack Frost (animated, narrated by Buddy Hackett
and anything else that looks heartwarmingly cheesy and is on sale

Christmas movies that scared the crap outta me when I was little:
1. Silent Night Deadly Night
2. The Nutcracker (the claymation version with the ragman that used to snatch little children out of their beds scared the bejeepers out of my brother and I so bad that we still have to discuss it each year as a sort of therapy)

worst Christmassy movie ever:
Jack Frost (1997) -This is not the one with Michael Keaton or the one mentioned above. It is a cheese-ass horror that is so stupid a snowman takes the carrot (nose) off his face and rapes a woman with it)

This concludes yet another peek into my dementia. Thanks for joining us!


At 4:38 PM, Blogger trixi said...

I wasn't all that taken with Nightmare Before Xmas. Perhaps I should try it again. Sometimes a differen't frame of mind can drastically alter how I fell about a movie.


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