Saturday, December 25, 2004

A cup of cheer

Merry Christmas etc. It's Christmas Day and I'm trying to decide which is most Christmassy for dinner, noodle soup or a meat pie. How totally depressing. It's been a nice day though. Ken had to sleep all day but we opened gifts this a.m. and I spent hours on the phone and helped baby open all her gifts. She got Cat in the Hat panties! Fantastic. (She's only 9 months old but that's ok) I miss my family ALOT this time of year and have been generally bummed out lately. Things will look better tomorrow when Ken is off for a few days and we begin planning dinner. His brother will come over for turkey and it will feel a bit more like a holiday. Have I mentioned I lucked out, finding myself with a sugar daddy who gets me EVERYTHING I WANT! Portable dvd player- woohoo. Waterglobe- woohoo. Breadmaker- woo-you-bet-your-ass-hoo! I can't wait to get some yeast. (Bet you don't hear that too often) I wonder if you can buy low-fat flour? Doubtful. Mmm bread. I see they made a sequel to the classic movie A Christmas Story. About 10 years too late I might add. There's actually a Culkin starring as the main character. I hate that. Of course Mary Steenberger (or whatever the hell her name is) is the 50's mom. Could she be anything else? I think she must be the least sexy actress/person ever. And what's with her voice. She's married to Ted Danson. The thought of them in bed together is almost enough to make my head explode.

And on that happy note...

I have 28 Christmas movies. Hi my name is Tracy and I'm an addict.


At 2:18 PM, Blogger Spencer said...

I think you should list the 28 christmas movies.


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