Saturday, July 24, 2004

mmm... buttermilk

Whoever invented the Baby Einstein video series should get a Nobel Prize. I think if I were to do acid, I'd like to be watching the Baby Neptune dvd.

I'm going to South Africa! And Germany! Yay! I called my Mom and left her a message, "I have some news. I want to tell you before you hear it from Grandma tomorrow. Call me." I instantly thought of calling her back and leaving a message assuring her I'm not pregnant again, but decided that I was being weird. I called her again today and this is how it goes:
Mom: Hello
Tracy: Hi
Mom: You're pregnant again!
Tracy: What? No!
Mom: Well it wouldn't be a bad thing.
Tracy: What?!
Mom: Well it would be kind of fun don't you think?
Tracy: --------- (completely lost for words)

What is it with Grandparents? They spend 20 years threatening you not to get pregnant and once you do, before the doctor has a chance to wash his hands they're gunning for another one. My mother-in-law has been telling me to have 3 MORE since I gave birth. But I must say I was more than a little surprised to hear it from my own mother.

Today's great middle-aged marketing idea: Metamucil Smoothies- yuppies, unplugged

Today's quotes worth pondering:

"Now a question of etiquette; as I pass, do I give you the ass or the crotch...?" -Tyler Durden, Fight Club [1999]

"Who said that? Who the fuck said that? Who’s the slimy little communist shit, twinkle-toed cocksucker down here who just signed his own death warrant? Nobody, huh? The fairy fucking godmother said it. Out-fucking-standing. I will PT you all until you fucking die. I’ll PT you until your assholes are sucking buttermilk.” -Gunnery Sergeant Hartman, Full Metal Jacket [1987]

Okay buttermilk? Speaking of marketing ideas -Got Buttermilk? And instead of a milk mustache.... okay never mind.


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