Sunday, July 18, 2004

Holy Hot Tamales Batman!

Aside from the blazing heat, the last two days have been better than the week prior. Nothing has been accomplished with Futureshop or Revenue Canada. In fact I have a few new expenses, but I have decided it's not worth giving myself an ulcer. Mostly I'm tired of listening to myself.

I will resume tyranny sometime next week if nothing improves.

I actually made it to church today (late) and it seemed to kind of kick-start my day. Not because of some religious inspiration, but because I'm out of bed, makeup on, interacting with others. Sort of. I'm there, anyway.
It is also a good way to:
a) show off my baby
b) feel like I did something today
c) show those bastards I'm just as holy as them
d) alleviate bred-in Catholic guilt
(e)secretly make my Dad happy)

And that sums my religious entry for the year. Unless otherwise enticed.

I don't really like discussing religion with people. I don't care what you believe so leave me alone. If you need to criticize my beliefs, fine, but know your shit before you start flinging it. Nothing pisses me off more than an ignoramous with an unbacked opinion and a loud mouth. If you are capable of an indiscriminate conversation then I will do my very best to try and see your point of view. I may learn something and that is a good thing. Hmm... so you worship erasers do you? I see. I'm sure you find it very enlightening. Please explain it to me..etc.

I NEVER discuss politics either. I admit freely that I don't know the first thing about anything. I do a little bit of research before I vote but that's it. I don't know about the war and I don't watch the news. If there's something I think I need to know I'll read Spencer's blog.

Here are my choice words of the day:

"Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote" -Benjamin Franklin

"It is not so much what you believe in that matters, as the way in which you believe it and proceed to translate that belief into action" -Lin Yutang

"Mickey Mouse was a big DOPE" -Jerry, Enemy Mine [1985]


At 8:29 AM, Blogger Spencer said...

AAAAAAGH! It burns! Make it stop! You're going to my blog for politics?!? And there's the possibility that you're not the only one. This is not the way I intended things to work out. I have to take the bull by the horns and conjure up a few more cliches so I can do something about this.

Oh, and by the way, Mickey Mouse is a big dope.

At 12:37 AM, Blogger trixi said...

That is correct. Currently I have no interest in learning about politics whatsoever. At all. Not even a little bit.

At 7:58 AM, Blogger Spencer said...

Oh thank god. My bad. I read meaning into your words that wasn't there. I don't believe that anyone should take me seriously... about anything... except for what I'm about to do next.


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