Friday, July 09, 2004

Kitten Smitten

If I was really, really rich and I could have any business/hobby I wanted I would have a kitten-farm. Keep in mind if I can afford this kitten-farm I can afford to pay someone else to keep it clean. It sounds kind of like a bad thing, like a work camp or an ant farm or even a puppy farm (very bad). But these kittens would be very happy. They wouldn't have to work the fields, break rocks on a chain gang, or be sent away to live with abusive slavedrivers. They would all live with me forever! There would be a full time vet aboard the staff and they (the kittens) would all be spayed or neutered. We have to be realistic here. People would be dropping off their strays all over the place, we can't have them all breeding. It would be like my own private SPCA for cats, only none would be put down (unless they were really sick)and there wouldn't be that horrid smell (dogs and medicine). You know in the 80's movies when someone won a million dollars they'd roll all over the bed in it and throw it in the air, happier than all hell, it would be just like that. Only instead of money it would be kittens! Ahh.. ..kitten paradise. I tried to bring home 4 ADORABLE kittens from my Dad's last week but Ken-the-Meanie wouldn't let me. How oh how will I ever get it started? I figure if I start with the kittens, the really, really rich part will come later.

I am starting a list of people/companies/Satan's minions who royally piss me off.
So far I've got:

Revenue Canada (obviously)
Columbia House (can't they just LEAVE ME ALONE?!)
Grolier (but not enough to end the relationship)
Futureshop Online (progressively worsening)
London Drugs Customer Service Desk (Victoria)
High Prairie Radioshack (total assholes, don't even let me get started)
Any bookstore employee who looks at me like I'm making up a title when they don't have the book I want!
Most banks at some point or another (This seems to be like a life long penance for something I did long ago, or haven't yet done. Resistance is futile.)
People who yak loudly on a cellphone on a bus.

It occurs to me that I am starting to sound like a crotchety old man. Bah!


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