Friday, June 18, 2004

Quirky stuff

If the word joyous means filled with joy and grievous means filled with grief, why is cheerous not a word? And what is heinous filled with?

I was looking to buy some washed cherry pits online as I was feeling crafty and wanted to make some of those heatable/chillable pillows. The only place I found had a 40lb bag for $35. Not bad but I figured the shipping would be a lot. How about $85 USD!!!! Maniacs.

On a similar note I was looking online for a Chistening gown for my 2 month old daughter. I shop a lot online as I live in a pokey little cowtown. Holy crapping expensive batman! Most of them started at a coupla hundred U.S. There were a few at $1000+. Ok, for a wedding dress I understand, but a Baptism? For a baby? They won’t even remember. They can’t even go shoe or jewellery shopping to complete the ensemble. Sure it can become a family heirloom but that’s still taking a ride in crazytown. The only way I’d be willing to make that kind of investment is if, tied to the slip, was the complete set of textbooks for the first two years of university.

I went into a sex shop once to look for a fun gift for a friend. (This is the story I’m sticking to anyways.) On the counter was this ginormous vat of lube. We’re talking like 16 litres! I don’t even want to imagine what you would use that much lube for, unless of course you were a vet or something. Wouldn’t it be fun to buy it and put it on the back of your toilet and wait to see if guests said anything about it after using your bathroom.

When the first Harry Potter movie came out in England and Canada it was titled Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. In the States, however, the word Philosopher was changed to Sorcerer. A philosopher is nothing like a sorcerer! Why, why, why?

Remember Sprocket the dog from Fraggle Rock? What was the old man’s name? Does anyone know? Did he have a name? This has been driving me crazy for years. I need to get a hobby.


At 8:25 AM, Blogger Spencer said...

"work your cares away
dancing's for another day
let the music play..."


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