Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Strife issues

So my Mom calls me and says "There's purple strife all over my bank". First of all she hardly ever calls so I don't know who I'm talking to. Secondly, what? So she repeats and I'm thinking omigod what is this purple strife and which bank does she belong to? It's probably some horrible computer nightmare that's just lost my entire savings of $14.25. Damn stupid banks! I should have kept my money in my hedgehog where it was safe. I'm thinking I really must start watching the news, only it freaks me out too much. She continues , "but it looks quite pretty." ???? Then I realize she means the bank in her backyard. Flowers, rocks, dirt, etc. Apparently, Purple Loose-strife is this weed-flower destined to take over the world. If left unchecked, purple loose-strife forms vast monotypic stands that will dominate an area and provide very little if any habitat for wildlife. News to me.
Anyways, two days later I'm racing through a lukewarm bath while the baby watches skeptically, when I have a pleasant memory of someone in my past who meant a great deal to me. Although the memory was good, nothing in particular, just a few thoughts, I knew it would ultimately depress me if I spent too much time on it. This made me think of the Purple strife. A beautiful idea but ultimatley killing the other good things around it.
That's it.


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